We also have material for local displays (in your pub or village hall/museum/library/school) and leaflets for distribution around the county. Please ask for supplies.
What is the Ceredigion Local History Forum?
Forum committee
Chair: Jane Kerr
Vice-chair: Michael Freeman
Secretary: Nigel Callaghan
Treasurer: Helen Palmer
Forum members
A number of local historical and heritage organisations are members of the Forum. See the members page for details.
The main purpose of the Forum is to act as an umbrella group, bringing together all the societies and organisations who are involved with local history, heritage and family history within the county of Ceredigion (formerly Cardiganshire), with the aim of raising the profile of local history within the county.
The forum provides a route for the member organisations to publicise their activities to each other, through the website and other means.
The Forum also arranges open meetings, usually a couple of times a year, with guests who speak on a range of interesting topics. The meetings give members from different organisations an opportunity to meet and talk face to- face and to exchange ideas and experiences.
If your organisation would like to join the Forum please complete this application form (PDF) and send it, with the subscription (currently £10 p.a. to the Treasurer. Meetings are open to all.
Subscribe to our mailing list (====>) to be notified of future events, or follow us on Twitter (@ceredigionlhf)
Next meeting
We haven't yet decided on the date or subject of our next meeting.